The format of the competition is designed to be an equal challenge for both fixed wing and rotary wing aircrafts.
The scenario for this competition combines real life problems encountered by the agriculture, oil and gas and mining industries.
The authorities of a remote Canadian village have contacted your team because there has been a significant leakage of oil products following a train derailment. Some of the containers exploded bringing down a few buildings. The authorities need assistance to evaluate the damage caused to nearby agricultural fields and infrastructure, to assess the magnitude of the clean-up effort and to record evidence for insurance purposes.
Your mission is to use your UAS to survey the accident area and surrounding fields. You will be required to identify the percentage of the field that has been contaminated and to map it. You are to make an inventory of all structures that are located in the disaster area and determine if they have been damaged or not. For the damaged structures, you will are required to locate them and estimate the volume of debris in some cases so that appropriate machinery can be ordered to remove it. You are requested to take pictures of the remaining train containers and attempt to identify their types by reading the codes written on them. If you find any immobilized people in the area, you are required to report their location and provide a close-up picture of them so that emergency actions may be initiated.
Your team will be rewarded according to the results contained in the surveillance report that you will submit within one hour of each flight. Points will be attributed according to the Judging Guide. Your report will be judged on the following results:
- Accuracy of the estimated surface area of the affected fields and their geo-locations. For the purposes of the challenge, the affected crop will be detectable with a regular daylight camera.
- Correct identification, categorization and geo-location of undamaged and damaged structures found in the disaster area.
- Accuracy of the estimated volume occupied by the structure debris pile.
- Correct identification of container types and their geo-location.
- Correct identification and condition of any person in the disaster area.
For an example on how photogrammetric methods can be used in to calculate volumes, please seehttp://www.simactive.com/en/uav .
The competition takes place in two phases with a Phase I design report from each team due January 11th 2015 and Phase II, operational demonstration, May 1-3rd 2015 in Alma, Québec. Teams will be graded on the quality and completeness of their design report and the results of the demonstrations – there will be separate prizes for each phase. For more details, see the attached operational concept draft.
Purpose of the Competition
The purpose of the competition is to promote and develop Canadian expertise and experience in unmanned systems technologies at the university and college levels. Even small scale unmanned vehicles are complex systems requiring a well planned and executed design approach. In addition, safety considerations are important factors in this competition as in any other vehicle design project.
The competitors must be registered full time in a recognized Canadian university or college. Teams may be organized internally at the discretion of their respective members.
Application and Registration
Interested teams should fill the attached registration form and send it by email to competition@unmannedsystems.ca.
To complete registration, each team is asked for a registration fee of $200. Payment can be made by cheque addressed to and sent to Unmanned Systems Canada or by credit card by contacting Robert Kendall, Executive Director of Unmanned Systems Canada at 1.613.435.0935.
Upon completion of the registration, teams will have access to additional competition information at www.unmannedsystems.ca
Competition Website and Email
All relevant competition documents and information will be located on the competition website (www.unmannedsystems.ca ). Check the competition website regularly for updates. All questions should be addressed to: competition@unmannedsystems.ca
Registration Deadline: 17th October 2014
(Note: Important Competition Information only available after full registration)
Paper Design Submission: January 11th 2015
Flight Demonstration: May 1-3rd 2015 in Alma, Québec.
Charles Vidal
Student competition chairman
Unmanned Systems Canada
Systèmes télécommandés Canada
The format of the competition is designed to be an equal challenge for both fixed wing and rotary wing aircrafts.
The scenario for this competition combines real life problems encountered by the agriculture, oil and gas and mining industries.
The authorities of a remote Canadian village have contacted your team because there has been a significant leakage of oil products following a train derailment. Some of the containers exploded bringing down a few buildings. The authorities need assistance to evaluate the damage caused to nearby agricultural fields and infrastructure, to assess the magnitude of the clean-up effort and to record evidence for insurance purposes.
Your mission is to use your UAS to survey the accident area and surrounding fields. You will be required to identify the percentage of the field that has been contaminated and to map it. You are to make an inventory of all structures that are located in the disaster area and determine if they have been damaged or not. For the damaged structures, you will are required to locate them and estimate the volume of debris in some cases so that appropriate machinery can be ordered to remove it. You are requested to take pictures of the remaining train containers and attempt to identify their types by reading the codes written on them. If you find any immobilized people in the area, you are required to report their location and provide a close-up picture of them so that emergency actions may be initiated.
Your team will be rewarded according to the results contained in the surveillance report that you will submit within one hour of each flight. Points will be attributed according to the Judging Guide. Your report will be judged on the following results:
- Accuracy of the estimated surface area of the affected fields and their geo-locations. For the purposes of the challenge, the affected crop will be detectable with a regular daylight camera.
- Correct identification, categorization and geo-location of undamaged and damaged structures found in the disaster area.
- Accuracy of the estimated volume occupied by the structure debris pile.
- Correct identification of container types and their geo-location.
- Correct identification and condition of any person in the disaster area.
For an example on how photogrammetric methods can be used in to calculate volumes, please seehttp://www.simactive.com/en/uav .
The competition takes place in two phases with a Phase I design report from each team due January 11th 2015 and Phase II, operational demonstration, May 1-3rd 2015 in Alma, Québec. Teams will be graded on the quality and completeness of their design report and the results of the demonstrations – there will be separate prizes for each phase. For more details, see the attached operational concept draft.
Purpose of the Competition
The purpose of the competition is to promote and develop Canadian expertise and experience in unmanned systems technologies at the university and college levels. Even small scale unmanned vehicles are complex systems requiring a well planned and executed design approach. In addition, safety considerations are important factors in this competition as in any other vehicle design project.
The competitors must be registered full time in a recognized Canadian university or college. Teams may be organized internally at the discretion of their respective members.
Application and Registration
Interested teams should fill the attached registration form and send it by email to competition@unmannedsystems.ca.
To complete registration, each team is asked for a registration fee of $200. Payment can be made by cheque addressed to and sent to Unmanned Systems Canada or by credit card by contacting Robert Kendall, Executive Director of Unmanned Systems Canada at 1.613.435.0935.
Upon completion of the registration, teams will have access to additional competition information at www.unmannedsystems.ca
Competition Website and Email
All relevant competition documents and information will be located on the competition website (www.unmannedsystems.ca ). Check the competition website regularly for updates. All questions should be addressed to: competition@unmannedsystems.ca
Registration Deadline: 17th October 2014
(Note: Important Competition Information only available after full registration)
Paper Design Submission: January 11th 2015
Flight Demonstration: May 1-3rd 2015 in Alma, Québec.
Charles Vidal
Student competition chairman
Unmanned Systems Canada
Systèmes télécommandés Canada