Extends from surface to 6,000 ft ASL. It covers an area of 271 km² (105 miles²).
Extends from 3,500 ft to 12,500 ft ASL. It covers an area of 27 km² (10 miles²) and maybe used to perform a shuttle climb to class B airspace.
Extends from 2,000 ft to 8,000 ft ASL. It covers an area of 476 km² (184 miles²).
Extends from surface to 2,000 ft ASL. It covers an area of 238 km² (92 miles²).
Extends from surface to 2,000 ft ASL. It covers an area of 51 km² (20 miles²). This strip along the shore of Lac-St-Jean will not be activated. It is rather used to leave a corridor for pilots wishing to tour the lake.
Extends from surface to 2,000 ft ASL. It covers an area of 187 km² (72 miles²).
Extends from 4,000 ft to 18,000 ft ASL. It covers an area of 4,276 km²(1,651 miles²). It is used primarily for BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) flights of MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) which are expected to fly through class B airspace from CYR652.
Extends from 18,000 ft to 28,000 ft ASL. It is super imposed on CYR657 and covers an area of 4,276 km² (1,651 miles²). It is primarily used for BVLOS flights.